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Gather their inputs with a leadership survey that shows their perspective on goals alignment, leadership effectiveness, culture, and opportunities to improve. Develop team consensus on an approach to transformation with a leadership round table event.
Develop an effective end-to-end governance capability with your existing leadership team in less than 120 days. Align leadership objectives and actions in discipline, risk management, and project portfolio. Establish a high performance culture through leadership example.
Charter and confidently execute 90 day projects that deliver significant performance improvement. Integrate and apply best practices of SCOR, Lean Six Sigma, ERP, and Change Management for optimized solutions that are understood, owned, and sustained.
We have structured our program in segments to provide a low-risk way to engage and utilize our services. The nature of our services allows funding as a either a strategic investment program or as learning and growth expense that typically can be authorized by a single executive sponsor.
Develop internal transformational leadership talent with our industry leading Supply Chain Transformation Leader(SCTL) and Certified Supply Chain Transformation Architect (CSCTA) Program. Improve leadership effectiveness with our applied learning Leadership Workshops and Supply Chain Operations Reference Model (SCOR) Training Sessions.
Provide a proven and polished approach to engage the organization in designing and successfully implementing optimized solutions. Each workshop integrates best practices of supply chain performance improvement with collaborative change management and applied learning techniques to transfer knowledge and produce hard deliverables.
Successful leadership development extends far beyond time in the classroom. Executives must move from awareness, understanding, and adoption to demonstrated capabilities. Effective executive coaching provides for this transition as they work to apply the concepts and practices to their day-to-eday challenges. Our executive coaching program supports the successful transition to demonstrated leadership capability.
Assure successful transformation by providing executives with a step-by-step leadership playbook. The ExecQtion On-line Executive Playbook contains over 1000 pages of tutorials and 100+ workbooks that integrates best practices and provides a proven formula for signigicant performance improvement.
Today's organizations have become so lean that it is diffucult to resource performance improvement projects in addition to normal daily activities. Another barrier to transformation is the temporary need for specialized skills that cannot be justified as a permanent position. We provide access to top talent through MetaEperts, a world-wide organization specializing in operational excellence talent.