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Transformation Leaders must be capable of driving the organization to exhibit high performance behaviors that evolve into a sustainable high performance culture.
High performance behaviors such as high expectations, bias for action, one business orientation, and learning environment, just to mention a few, are highly desired by all organizations. Executives are constantly frustrated by organizational culture and typically resign to the belief that it can’t be changed. To quote the legendary management guru Peter Drucker, “Culture eats strategy for breakfast.”
Transformation leaders can have an impact on culture, but it must be a purposefully designed and executed approach. The Supply Chain Transformation Leader has three elements they can use to drive behaviors and culture.
· Personal Example
· Improved Work Systems
· Governance Team Support & Example
Personal Example
There is nothing more powerful for an executive than to lead by example. When the walk matches the talk, people will emulate and follow. The personal example is always the essential first step to driving high performance behaviors. But, it is limited in its impact to people with which you interact consistently on a daily basis.
Improved Work Systems
Work systems include job design, work measurement, and compensation. The Transformation Leader will need to sponsor high performance behaviors inclusion in work measurement and compensation systems, and assure consideration when individuals are selected for promotions. High performance behaviors will not be established and propagated if they are not broadly recognized and rewarded by the organization.
Governance Team Support & Example
The purpose of high performance behaviors is to deliver high performance, not just a “feel good” culture. The Supply Chain Transformation Leader has a unique opportunity to drive these behaviors when defining individual supply chains as performance units and establishing end-to-end governance of performance teams. These supply chain governance teams define a manageable scope performance unit with a cross-functional leadership team having the responsibility to align activities, behaviors, and performance results. The Transformation Leader can facilitate the team to define and prioritize the desired high performance behaviors, establish team commitment to exhibiting the behaviors, and measure progress of the organization.
The Transformation Leader must have the skills to lead by example, influence compensation and incentives systems, and facilitate a cross-functional leadership teams to drive high performance behaviors in the organization.
To learn more about this and other Transformation Leadership Skills go to:
Our Supply Chain Transformation Leadership Program develops this and other leadership skills highly valued by today's supply chain organizations.