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Transformation Leaders will be challenged to develop executive team capabilities for proactive and intuitive leadership of an end-to-end supply chain, and deliver balanced collaborative leadership team decisions with accelerated results.
The Transformation Leader must be capable of engaging senior leadership teams in developing Governance of Performance capabilities that are owned and sustained. These collaborative leadership team capabilities include:
· Aligned Objectives and Priorities
· Balanced Decision-Making
· Establish High Performance Culture
· Integrated Action Plan
Aligned Objectives and Priorities
Aligning objectives and priorities across the end-to-end supply chain is the most challenging of leadership tasks for a governance team. Today’s supply chains are complex and must successfully engage hundreds of business entities including internal and external organizations. Transformation Leaders must utilize skills in Facilitation, Operations Reference Models, Strategic Planning, and Enterprise Intelligence to develop such capabilities.
Balanced Decision-Making
Developing leadership team capabilities for balanced decisions requires a Transformation Leader to establish end-to-end supply chain perspective of performance, and a collaboratively develop a balanced scorecard with prioritized internal and external enterprise strategic outcomes and attributes of supply chain performance.
Establish High Performance Culture
Effective Governance of Performance leadership teams must drive discipline and high performance behaviors in the organization through example and management work systems. The Transformation Leader is the spark of cultural expectations personal example that influences other leaders to emulate and possess the confidence to demand high performance behaviors of the organization.
Integrated Action Plan
The Governance of Performance leadership team must develop the capability to integrate performance improvement actions across the organizations of the end-to-end supply chain. Integrated Actions Plans must include actions to establish controls and discipline in behaviors and processes, risk mitigation and management actions, and all projects impacting the supply chain. The Integrated Action Plan must also regulate the scope and volume of actions to align with the limit of resources and the ability of the organizations to effectively manage change.
The Transformation Leader must possess the ability to establish senior leadership capabilities for effective Governance of Performance across end-to-end supply chains.
To learn more about this and other Transformation Leadership Skills go to:
Our Supply Chain Transformation Leadership Program develops this and other leadership skills highly valued by today's supply chain organizations.